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Shampooing Orzene à la bière pour les cheveux tropsés - 400 ml

Orzene - Beer Bio Shampoo for Overstressed Hair - 400ml

Prix normal
Prix réduit
Prix normal
Prix unitaire
13,50€ / L
Stock disponible en ligne : 10
🚚 Commandez maintenant, vous le recevrez au plus tard le Tuesday, 18 Mar *

About the product: Shampoo for strengthening & shine ideal for damaged hair.
Recipe with Bio Beer Barley + Morocco Argan Oil for intensive repair of damaged and worn hair.
*Bio Brewer's Barley, rich in B vitamins, proteins, amino acids and vitamin E, contributes to the health and strength of the hair, giving it vitality and shine.
*Morocco Argan Oil, famous for its magical hair repairing properties.

7 actions of Orzene repair shampoo for damaged hair:
1. Nutrition | 2. Moisturization | 3. Strengthening | 4. Grinding| 5. Restoration of Elasticity | 6. Prevention of Bracking | 7. Shine that lasts
 Save your damaged hair, with 7 visible repair actions in every wash!
With the unique Orzene beer aroma!

Vegan friendly

About the company:  ORZENE BEER RECIPES is a hair care brand with a long presence in the Greek hair care market. Through its long heritage and expertise, the brand further evolves its effective formulas and renews its image. With its distinctive ORZENE fragrance, ORZENE BEER RECIPES introduces new formulations that maintain beer as the main ingredient, rich in Vitamin B Complex and other beneficial natural ingredients. The new ORZENE BEER RECIPES hair care routine systems offer a holistic experience with shampoo and après shampoo products that strengthen the hair, while offering natural shine and volume.

(Greek: Σαμπουάν Μπύρας για Ταλαιπωρημένα και Φθαρμένα Μαλλιά)


Stockage: Conserver dans un endroit frais, sombre et sec.
Poids: 0.4 kg
Origine: Produit de la Grèce

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*Livré aux Pays-Bas au plus tard le Tuesday, 18 Mar
avec Livraison express du soir (en savoir plus)
**Livraison gratuite à partir de
for 50 euros uniquement à Amsterdam.
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